과일에 환장한 매니아들은 청과시장
농산물직판장을 최우선적으로 본다 왜냐? 가격도 가격이거니와 맛이 마트와는 확실히
비교가 된다 어머니도 과일귀신이고 나도 과일에 환장해서 우리 모자지간은
웬만하면 농산물직판장에서 제철과일을 즐겨먹는다
현재까지 내가 가본 농산물직판장은
흥해,부산 그리고 오늘 소개할 창원 농산물직판장이다
지도앱에선 청과시장 또는 창원시팔용농산물도매시장농수산물직판장 으로 검색하면 나온다

인근 새벽시장에서 동태탕묵고 살방살방 가봤는데 장관이다
평생 볼수박 한방에 다볼수 있다~ 지금이 제철이라 맛도 기가막히다

수박뿐만아니라 다양한 제철과일이 그냥 박스로 쌓여있다

수박이 여기에 다모여 있음!
오늘 갓 수확한 싱싱한 수박임

새벽식당에서 밥묵고 바로 정면에 보면 4번출구인데
바로 옆 6번 고향이 안동이신 아주머니를 만났다
수박 가격 물어보니 만원에서 만5천원~ 그외 과일도 정말 마트에선 상상도 못할 착한 가격

일단 한번도 구매한적이 없어서 시험삼아 만원짜리 수박 하나 사왔다

당연히 사이즈만 보면 만원짜리 수박이 아니다
청과시장에서 샀기때문에 이가격에 살수 있다
집에서 수박먹어보니 역시나 올해 구매했던 코스트코,트레이더스,식자재마트를 뛰어넘는 수준
이번주 또간다
이번주는 자두(후무사), 복숭아(천중도) 사러갈꺼임!
아주머니가 안동출신이신 6번 추천!
Fruit enthusiasts prioritize visiting the farmers' markets and agricultural produce direct sales markets because not only are the prices reasonable, but the taste is significantly better compared to regular supermarkets. My mother is also a fruit lover, and I share the same passion for fruits, so we prefer enjoying seasonal fruits from the farmers' markets whenever possible.
The farmers' markets I have visited so far include Heunghae, Busan, and today I'll introduce the Changwon Farmers' Market. You can find it by searching for "Changwon Fruit Market" or "Changwon Eight Mile Agricultural Wholesale Market" on map apps.
I visited the nearby morning market for some dongtae-tang (fish head soup) and then wandered around the farmers' market. It was amazing to see all kinds of seasonal fruits neatly stacked in boxes. I could see all the watermelons I would ever want to see in my lifetime. Since it's currently the peak season, the taste is unbelievably fantastic. Not just watermelons, but various seasonal fruits are available here.
All the watermelons are gathered here! They are freshly harvested today.
As I was looking straight ahead after finishing my meal at the morning restaurant, I met a very kind elderly lady from Andong (a city in South Korea). I asked her about the watermelon prices, and they were ranging from 10,000 to 15,000 won (around $9 to $13). Other fruits were also reasonably priced, much lower than what you would find in supermarkets. Since I had never purchased from here before, I decided to test it out and bought a 10,000 won watermelon. And, of course, by just looking at the size, you can tell it's not a regular 10,000 won watermelon. But at the farmers' market, you can get such quality at this price. When I tried the watermelon at home, it surpassed the quality of the ones I bought from Costco, Trader Joe's, and wholesale markets this year.
I'm going again this week. I'm planning to buy plums (hoo musa) and peaches (cheonjungdo). The lovely lady from Andong recommended stall number six!
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