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부산여행 민락수변공원에서 광안대교구경 광안리 해수욕장에서 조개구이 먹기 조새호


광안대교 다리밑에서 뭔가를 하고 싶다면 부산에선

민락 수변공원이 최적지다 주말 밤이되면 젊은이들이 개떼같이 많이와서

오죽하면 수변나이트라고 할까 ㅋㅋㅋ

순천에서 사촌동생 부부가 놀러왔다

나와같이 국제결혼한 부부여서 와이프와 사촌동생 와이프가 같이 코드가 맞다

나라는 다르지만 같은언어를 쓰면서 둘이 죽이 잘맞다

여기가 부산 민락공원인데 광안대교가 제일 가까이 보이고 부산의 최고가 아파트가 있는곳이다

부산의 랜드마크 건물은 뭐니 뭐래도 저 아이파크 아니겠능가?

저거말고 뭐 딱히 랜드마크라고 불릴 건물이 웁다

광안대교와 해운대 아이파크

여기가면 낮에는 이렇게 그늘 밑에서 돋자리깔고 회도먹고 이것저것 도시락도 먹고

소풍분위기다 음주하지 말자고 피켓들고 있는 분들이 있던데

그러나 말거나 술먹는 할배,할매들 겁나게 많음

수변공원 명물인 매미돌!

태풍 매미때 같이 떠밀려온 돌 엄청시리 크다 마티즈 반만함

순천에서 온 사촌동생 부부들과 맛난거 먹으로 둘러보다가

강알리 해수욕장으로 이동

해운대보다 핫 하다는 광안리 일명 강알리 해수욕장!

사람들 겁나게 많다 아직 해수욕장 개장도 안했는데 바글바글ㅋ

여기 저기 둘러보다가 사촌동생이 조개구이 땡긴다길래

검색해서 찾아간곳 조새호~ 뭐 가격은 둘째치고 뷰가 좋아서 간곳이다

전화해서 창가쪽에 있는지 예약되는지 물어봤는데 예약자체가 안된다

선착순이고 일단 지금 창가쪽 한자리 곧 난다고 해서 부랴부랴 달려감

뒷쪽에 주차타워에 주차하믄됨

조개구이집이라 뭐 밑반찬 딱이 없음

저 오뎅탕이 기억에 남음 예술이였음 우동사리만 넣으면 그냥

메뉴로 팔아도 돈주고 사먹을 맛임!

치즈와 쏘야도 같이 나옴

우리가 주문한건 15만원짜리 세트 메뉴를 주문했음


4명이서 이정도면 딱 맞을꺼라 예상함

비쥬얼은 좋은데 조개구이 양이 참 적음 진짜 맛보는 수준(세트메뉴라 그런가;;;)

뭐 여긴 강알리 뷰값이라 생각하고 먹음

가리비 씨알은 나쁘지 않음 입안을 채워주는 사이즈임

치즈랑 같이 돌돌 말아서 먹음 맛남

전복도 궈 먹음됨

저 파인애플ㅠ 저거 구이용임! 그냥 생으로 먹음 맛없음

저걸 못 구워 먹었음 ㅠ 개억울;;;

조개구이는 4명이서 익는대로 먹으니 그냥 순삭ㅋ

그러던중 서비스 메뉴 새우구이가 나옴

새우구이가 안나오면 15만원 가격이 창렬급인데

이 왕새우구이가 나와서 그나마 커버가 됨ㅋ

냠냠냠 먹는 와중에 드디어 랍스터가 나옴

랍스터는 조리시간에 오래걸림 최소 40분은 기다려야 나옴

살이 토실토실 오!

외국인들이라 횟집은 그닥 안가고 싶어하는 와중에 잘간거 같음

15만원 세트메뉴 치곤 딱 적당한거 같음 4명이서 먹기 딱좋음

맛있게 먹고 광안리 해수욕장에서 산책하면서

소화시키는중인데 진짜 사람많음 아니 뭔 대한민국 해수욕장 여기뿐인가;;;

와이프도 2023년 처음으로 바닷물 입수

역시나 부산앞바다 물은 냉수대 ㅋㅋㅋ

겁나 차갑다고 하심


If you want to do something under the Gwangan Bridge in Busan, the optimal place would be the Minrak Waterfront Park. On weekend nights, many young people gather there, so you could call it the "Waterfront Night" (Su-byeon Night) park, haha.

I have a cousin and his wife who came to visit from Suncheon. They are a married couple like my wife and me, and we get along really well even though we come from different countries but speak the same language. This place is Minrak Park in Busan, which is closest to Gwangan Bridge and has the highest apartment building in Busan.

The landmark building in Busan would be the AIPARK, right? Apart from that, there isn't any particular building that is called a landmark.

When you come here, during the day, you can sit under the shade, eat raw fish, and have various types of packed lunches. It has a picnic atmosphere, and there are signs asking people not to drink, but there are still many grandpas and grandmas who drink a lot.

The famous attraction in the waterfront park is the Maemi Stone! It's a very large rock that was washed ashore during a typhoon, and it's even bigger than a Matiz car, haha.

While touring around and looking for delicious food with my cousin and his wife who came from Suncheon, we decided to go to Gangalli Beach.

They say Gangalli Beach, also known as "Gangalli Haesuyokjang," is hotter than Haeundae. Even though the beach hasn't opened yet, there are a lot of people bustling around, haha.

While exploring here and there, my cousin mentioned that he wanted to have grilled clams. So, we searched and found a place called Josae-ho. Well, the price was not a big concern because the view was great, so we hurriedly went there. We could park at the parking tower behind it.

The clams place didn't have many side dishes, but the odeng soup was memorable. It was a work of art, and it tasted so good with the udon noodles. If they sold it as a separate menu item, I would happily pay for it.

Cheese and soya sauce also came with the meal.

We ordered a 150,000 won set menu, which included grilled clams, lobster, and grilled shrimp (complimentary). We thought it would be just right for four people. The presentation was nice, but the portion of the grilled clams was quite small. It was more like a tasting portion (maybe because it was a set menu). But we thought of it as paying for the view of Gwangalli and enjoyed the meal.

The scallops with fish roe were not bad; they were a good size to fill your mouth.

We also tried grilled abalone. Oh, that pineapple! It was for grilling! We ate it raw, and it wasn't tasty. It was sad that we couldn't grill it, haha.

We quickly finished eating the grilled clams since all four of us were eating them as soon as they were cooked.

During the meal, the complimentary grilled shrimp arrived, and it served as a cover-up for the expensive price. Haha.

Yum yum yum. While eating, finally, the lobster arrived. It took a long time to cook the lobster; we had to wait at least 40 minutes.

The meat was so juicy! It seemed like the foreign guests would enjoy it since they don't often go to raw fish restaurants.

For a 150,000 won set menu, it was quite reasonable, just right for four people.

After enjoying the meal, we took a walk at Gwangalli


Sightseeing at Gwangan Bridge and enjoying grilled clams at Gwangan Beach in the Minrak Waterfront Park during a trip to Busan.
