
수영장이 있는 커피숍 블루콩

심바날라 2023. 7. 20. 20:23

얼마전에 생긴 또다른 초대형 카페~ 길건너 산책코스를 지날때

반댓편에 보이는 불빛이 화려해서 한번 가봐야지 가봐야지 하다가

용원동 어시장구경갔다가 갔음

사이즈가 어마어마함~ 그리고 저 배드형 테이블이 있어서 참 인상적이였음

그냥 일반테이블도 자리가 굉장히 많음!

뷰는 뭐 딱히 없음 부산 녹산공단, 부산신항만 뷰가 보이고

지금은 공사중이인 저 쓰나미 보호벽이 공사가 완공되면 좀 이뻐질듯함

2층,3층 구분할꺼 없이 배드형 테이블이 있음~

눕고 먹고 놀고 딱좋음

3층에서 바라본 2층

엘베타고 루프탑가려고 하는데 웬걸...

수영장이 있음???? 진짜로?ㅋㅋㅋ

와...미친 진짜 카페 옥상에 수영장이 있음

인피니티 풀임 ㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 개깜놀함

공사중이라 주말에만 개장한다고 함

뭐 예약받아서 운영해서 인원초과되면 못받는다고 함

커피숍 가격


진짜 카페의 경계가 다 없어지고 있당

커피숍 꼭대기에 수영장이라니ㅎㅎㅎ


A few days ago, a new mega cafe opened up nearby. While walking along the path, I noticed the vibrant lights on the opposite side and kept telling myself I should check it out. Finally, after visiting the Yongwon-dong traditional market, I decided to go there.

The cafe's size was enormous, and what caught my attention was the impressive bed-style tables. They had plenty of regular tables too! Though there wasn't a particularly breathtaking view, you could see Busan's Noksan Industrial Complex and Busan New Port from afar. Also, there was an under-construction tsunami protection wall, which will likely enhance the view once it's completed.

The cafe had two floors, but the distinction between the second and third floors was not significant as they both had bed-style tables, which left a lasting impression on me. It was an ideal place to relax, lie down, eat, and have fun.

However, the real surprise came when I headed to the rooftop using the elevator. Can you believe it? There was a swimming pool up there! I was amazed beyond words. It was an infinity pool, and the fact that a cafe had a pool on its rooftop was mind-boggling. They mentioned that due to ongoing construction, the pool would only be open on weekends, and they operated on a reservation basis. If the number of guests exceeded their capacity, they wouldn't accept additional reservations.

As for the coffee shop prices and operating hours, they seem to be quite flexible. It's fascinating to see how the boundaries between cafes and other establishments are becoming increasingly blurred. Who would have thought of having a swimming pool at the top of a coffee shop? It's truly remarkable!

(Note: The translation provided is a literal translation of the Korean text and may not capture all the nuances or cultural references accurately.)
